This award is made possible by Mark Russell ℅ 1967 in memory of his parents Earl and Elizabeth Emery-Russell. This award will recognize a student for improvement and extra curricular activities during their high school career.
One award of $1,100
The Russell-Emery Scholarship will be awarded to one student who is motivated and has shown improvement throughout their high school career. This student must have a financial need and most importantly been involved in extracurricular activities and shown leadership and passion for those chosen clubs, sports and activities.
Scholarship Criteria:
Student’s response to essay prompt: “What Madeira High School Means to Me”
50% proven financial need
25% improvement in grades, academics and success throughout high school career
25% involvement in extracurriculars
The Judging Committee will consist of Mark Russell, a Madeira High School tennis team staff person and a Madeira Schools Foundation Trustee.