2025 Financial Statement

Thank you for participating in the Madeira Schools Foundation program. The below form will be used in applications for The Russell-Emery Scholarship, Adrick Family Scholarship, Achieve Your Potential Scholarship, Stephen M. Kramer Scholarship, The Firestone Scholarship and John D. Rahe Scholarship. You only need to fill this out once if you are applying for any or all of the above scholarships.

Personal information will be redacted during judging and all financial information will be deleted as soon as judging is completed.

Personal Information will be redacted while judges are reviewing your application. This number will be used to track your application.

Financial Information Sheet For Parents/Guardians

To be filled in by parent or legal guardian and student. NOTE: This page will be shredded upon completion of scholarship process. Signatures are required of both the parent / guardian and the student.

To be completed by parent or legal guardian

To be completed by student / applicant.

I estimate my expenses for the next year to be:

I certify that the information given is true to the best of my knowledge.